We present our impressive bouquet of 10 yellow gerberas and fuchsias - an exquisite arrangement of vibrant fuchsias and yellow gerberas vibrant, complemented with delicate white astromelia flowers, all beautifully presented in an elegant glass vase. This striking bouquet of flowers is perfect to brighten any room and is a perfect gift for any occasion.
Our florist teachers have masterfully combined the cheerful and daring tones of gerbera fuchsia and yellow gerbera with the subtle and refined beauty of white astromelia. The result is a lovely mixture of color and texture that will cause a lasting impression on its recipient. Whether celebrating a birthday, an anniversary or simply wants to give a touch of color to your home, this impressive branch is the perfect choice.
The 10 yellow gerberas and fuchsias are presented in a high quality crystal vase, which adds a touch of sophistication and elegance to the whole. This versatile vase can be used again and again, making it a enduring memory of its attentive gesture.
When you choose our arrangement of 10 yellow gerberas and fuchsia, you can be sure that you are receiving flowers of the highest quality, expertly arranged by our florist experts. We are proud to make sure that each branch is carefully prepared to offer an impressive deployment that will delight your recipient.
today in charge of his bouquet of 10 yellow gerberas and fuchsia and experience the captivating beauty of the gerberas.
The flowers in the arrangement can be of different colors and sizes depending on the stock status.
Some of the flowers in the flower arrangement can be sent closed, even if they do not bloom due to seasonal conditions. Closed flowers open within 1-2 days, at room temperature.
Buen trabajo y llegaron puntuales
R*** P*** Verified Purchase 22-12-2023Gracias... aunque no recibido noticias de quien lo recibió. Pero gracias por su puntualidad llegó antes de las 2pm
D*** G*** Verified Purchase 30-10-2023Excelente
M*** U*** Verified Purchase 26-10-2023Todo bien hasta que me llamaron para indicarme, qué no había Gerberas ( sólo rosas y no recuerdo la otra flor) Esta bien pedí que las combinaran... La decepción fue al ver las rosas qué pusieron, seguramente para mañana se marchitan. DEFINITIVAMENTE NO ME GUSTÓ!
Y*** G*** Verified Purchase 13-10-2023Excelente
J*** M*** Verified Purchase 05-10-2023Precioso de buen tamaño y super bonitas las flores
N*** T*** Verified Purchase 29-09-2023excelente muchas gracias 🫂
J*** A*** S*** N*** Verified Purchase 22-09-2023Excelente en tiempo de entrega, atención al cliente y presentación, así como en la facilidad del pago. Quedé súper satisfecha. Gracias! :D
A*** L*** G*** Verified Purchase 29-08-2023excelente gracias
A*** C*** Verified Purchase 17-04-2023Muy bonito y en horario
G*** Verified Purchase 30-03-2023La receptora quedó feliz, le encantó el producto. Gracias!
L*** A*** Verified Purchase 30-03-2023Excelente servicio 🙏
L*** Verified Purchase 28-03-2023Entregado en tiempo y forma
E*** C*** Verified Purchase 06-10-2022Nunca me había pasado en Mizu que al yo autorizar el arreglo le entregaran otro diferente al destinatario.
R*** M*** Verified Purchase 25-08-2022buen trabajo amigos. Vivo en Canadá y sus precios son razonables comparado con la competencia. el pedido llegó a tiempo y a ella le gustaron muchos las flores.
J*** G*** Verified Purchase 06-07-2022exelente servicio
V*** H*** M*** Verified Purchase 09-05-2022Recomendable al 100 porciento
A*** Verified Purchase 20-08-2021Increíble la rapidez y calidad!
F*** Verified Purchase 17-08-2021Excelente servicio y a tiempo
A*** P*** Verified Purchase 02-07-2021Bellísimo!!!
L*** D*** Verified Purchase 15-06-2021Buena entrega. Gracias por su atención
J*** M*** V*** Verified Purchase 14-06-2021Excelente servicio, siempre quedo impresionada de lo rápidos que son. Felicidades!!!
D*** S*** Verified Purchase 13-06-2021