Looking for a gift that expresses your love and romanticism? Do not look for more: the bouquet of 50 red and white roses!
Our bouquet includes 26 vibrant red roses and 24 pure white roses, elegantly arranged in a glass vase that will complement any decoration. Each rose is handed by hand and carefully arranged by our florist experts, making sure you receive only the coolest and most beautiful flowers.
With its classic combination of red and white roses, this bouquet is the perfect choice for any occasion. Whether you want to surprise your partner on your anniversary, express your love on Valentine's Day or simply rejoice someone's day, the 50 red and white roses bouquet will surely leave a lasting impression.
What distinguishes our bouquet is not only its impressive beauty, but also the emotions it transmits. The fragrance of the roses will fill the room, creating a romantic and intimate atmosphere that will make your loved one feel special and appreciated.
These are the main characteristics and advantages of the field of 50 red and white roses:
- 50 fresh and beautiful roses in a classic and timeless combination of red and white
- Expert arranged in a glass vase that complements any decoration
- Hand collected and carefully arranged by our florist experts
- Perfect for any occasion, from anniversaries to Valentine's Day or simply to rejoice the day to someone
- It transmits love, romanticism and intimacy through its impressive beauty and fragrant aroma
Make your loved one feel special and appreciated with the field of 50 red and white roses. Ask for it now and let us help you express your love and romanticism in the most beautiful and unforgettable way possible.
The flowers in the arrangement can be of different colors and sizes depending on the stock status.
Some of the flowers in the flower arrangement can be sent closed, even if they do not bloom due to seasonal conditions. Closed flowers open within 1-2 days, at room temperature.
No ví las flores en vivo pero a juzgar por la eficiencia en todo el proceso estoy seguro q es de Calidad
J*** M*** C*** C*** Verified Purchase 06-11-2024Todo muy bien gracias, pero en la foto no se ven los chocolates.... Solo las flores y el globo.
D*** Verified Purchase 17-01-2024Todo en tiempo y forma, llegaron lindas las rosas elegidas una vez más satisfacción al 100% . Gracias!
D*** S*** Verified Purchase 14-11-2023Buena calidad, atencion y entrega en tiempo
M*** R*** Verified Purchase 08-11-2023excelente servicio
J*** T*** A*** Verified Purchase 21-08-2023Las flores no duraron vivas 5 días, ademas muy pequeñas en lo que pareciera en la foto, realmente no creo volver a comprar con uds.
I*** A*** Verified Purchase 03-03-2023Excelente servicio
L*** A*** Verified Purchase 11-01-2023excelente servicio
C*** A*** Verified Purchase 26-08-2022No se han entregado los chocolates es la segunda vez que les falta algo, la anterior vez les faltaron las flores llevaron la pulsera ... esto no ocurria anteriormente, solia ser cliente frecuente ...pero con este servicio vuelvo a dudar, agradeceria solucionaran este problema. Solo recibireron flores son lindas por eso califico 5
M*** V*** Verified Purchase 26-07-2022Bellisimas
N*** M*** Verified Purchase 14-01-2022Gracias
V*** A*** G*** H*** Verified Purchase 01-08-2021Perfecto
R*** U*** Verified Purchase 06-07-2021si claro los felicito por la seriedad con la puntualidad con la que trabajan buen día
R*** C*** Verified Purchase 30-06-2021