"Get Well Soon" Messages
⏩ To my darling friend, I am so sorry that you are not feeling well. Take comfort in the knowledge that I’m thinking of you and wishing you a speedy recovery! Enjoy these beautiful flowers – they made me think of you.
⏩ We are thinking of you as you recover. Please feel better soon!
⏩ Everyone misses you at the office. We can’t wait to have you and your radiant smile back! Hoping you will get lots of rest and feel yourself soon again.
» Sunflowers to say get well soon
⏩ To my love, it hurts knowing that you are not well. You are strong and healthy, and I have no doubt that you will be back to your beautiful, energetic self in no time.
⏩ To our colleague and friend, we are thinking of you! Rest and recover well. We look forward to many cups of coffee when you’re back.
⏩ I hope this get well wish brings a smile to your face. You are too beautiful to be feeling down.
⏩ Sending sunshine to brighten your day. Get well soon my dearest friend.
⏩ I hope each day brings you renewed strength and that much closer to recovery.
⏩ I heard you were feeling ill. This is a note to say I am thinking of you and I wish you a speedy recovery!
⏩ Sorry to hear you were sick, but I’m glad you’re on the mend!
Choose your get well soon flowers and add your message with it, we offer same-day delivery
⏩ We are all missing you at the office and can’t wait to have you back!
⏩ If you need anything, call me I am here to help!
⏩ You are in our prayers as you recover from your accident
⏩ We hope you feel a bit stronger every day and you’ll be back on your feet in no time!
⏩ Thinking of you everyday as you recover, we know you’ll beat this!
⏩ Right now, all you must do is rest and relax. Take it easy and get well soon!
⏩ We wish you all the best for a quick recovery!
⏩ Happy to hear you are starting to feel better. The worst is over and there are brighter days ahead.
⏩ I wish you a happy and healthy recovery and I will come visit you soon!
⏩ Please take care of yourself and prioritise your health right now. We want to see you back to your old self soon!
⏩ Glad to hear you are back home and getting better, if there is anything you need, please reach out.
⏩ This is just a note to say, I am thinking about you everyday as you battle this illness and I wish you strength and courage in this difficult time.
⏩ I hope you are resting, putting your feet up and not lifting a finger! Take care and get well soon!
Feeling sick and tired is awful, and when you’re unable to do your usual things and live life to the full – it makes things tough. Frustration begins to creep in, and positivity dwindles.
We all have days where we are a bit down and our energy levels are on the low side. I’m sure most would agree that those days aren’t the nicest! It is comforting to realise that we all go through highs and lows.
A cheery message from a friend is often all it takes to pick up a solemn mood. When seasons change, people often fall ill and need some time to get back on their feet. We support one another through these times, knowing that they are experiences we all share and need to get through – one day at a time.
If someone you know is not feeling well, it would be a wonderful idea to send a “Get Well” message with a bunch of their favourite flowers. There is nothing more uplifting than a fresh and fragrant bouquet of colourful flowers next to your bed. Just imagine the look of absolute glee when the gift arrives. It will certainly send him or her on a speedy trip to recovery!
Life is full of adventures and things to look forward to; but when you are sick, it is difficult to keep focused on the positive. We need to uplift one another, and think of how we’d feel if roles were reversed. Accidents and illness are unfortunately part of life; it is how we deal with it that can make or break these situations.
A “Get Well” message in a card sent with flowers will make the recipient feel loved and special. Taking the time to do something special for someone who isn’t feeling himself is a wonderful thing. It will leave you both feeling so good!
Unfortunately, getting sick is a part of life and can be one of the hardest things to go through. Knowing you have people who genuinely care and love you during this time can be hugely comforting. Do you know someone who is sick? It can be difficult to find the words to write the perfect get well soon message. Depending on what the person is recovering from you want to find the right way to show them that you are thinking about them. That you are here for them in their time of need, you support and encourage them and something to make them smile as they go through the hardship of recovery. Maybe this is someone you are close to or perhaps a distant relative or work colleague? No matter what your relationship with the person, a well-meaning get well soon message can make someone feel loved and supported.
How do you find the right words for your get well soon message? If you are close something informal and light-hearted can do the trick. Perhaps it is your boss, and you want to show your deep concern but keep a formal and professional tone. Whatever the situation, it is important to remain positive and upbeat and not focus on the persons disease. If they are recovering at home, offering a helping hand to pick up groceries, medicine or clean their house can be a welcome gesture that would take pressure of them in the long run and allow them to prioritise rest and relaxation. If they are in hospital, you can send some flowers or a gift with your note. A small gesture like this can show the person you really care.
We have written a few messages to include in your “Get Well” card. The trick with writing a special message is to write with honesty, love and sincerity. Enjoy our examples below!