The Pink Rose and Yellow Chrysanthemum Bouquet in Pastel Pink is a delicate combination that evokes tenderness and warmth. Pink roses, a symbol of gratitude and appreciation, blend harmoniously with the joy and vitality of yellow chrysanthemums. This arrangement strikes a perfect balance between softness and energy, making it an ideal gift to express affection on any special occasion.
The bouquet is wrapped in an elegant double-sided pastel Korean paper in sweet nude pink tones, which brings a feminine and modern touch to the design. This contrast between the colorful flowers and the soft wrapping enhances the natural beauty of each flower, creating a visually appealing and balanced ensemble. The pink ribbon that adorns the bouquet adds an additional touch of sweetness and elegance, completing the design with an impeccable finish.
Eucalyptus, with its fresh and soft fragrance, adds an element of texture and aroma to this charming floral arrangement. Each component has been carefully selected and packaged with a personalized note in special LolaFlora paper, making this bouquet a perfect detail to express affection, gratitude or simply to brighten someone special's day.
This arrangement is ideal for any occasion, from birthdays and anniversaries to a gesture of friendship or love. Its combination of soft and vibrant colors makes it a memorable and meaningful option, capable of illuminating any space with its presence.
Care tip: To keep your flowers fresh for longer, change the water in the vase every two days and cut the stems diagonally before repositioning them. Place the bouquet in a cool place, away from direct sunlight and drafts.
The order was delivered 2 hours after the deadline time. Also, the card was just a white envelope with the words writen by hand. The QR for the video message was missing. Terrible service this time.
A*** M*** Verified Purchase 26-09-2024Las flores están hermosas y muy bonito el arreglo la verdad si los recomiendo. Le encantaron a mi novia
D*** H*** Verified Purchase 23-09-2024Excelente servicio, llego en tiempo y llegaron super bien las flores
D*** G*** F*** Verified Purchase 23-09-2024No se parecían en nada la flores entregadas a el arreglo que compré muy mal servicio cambiaron el tipo de flor amarilla y el diseño en fin muy decepcionante, por eso no me enviaron foto del arreglo
M*** S*** Verified Purchase 22-09-2024me pusieron mal el nombre
J*** A*** Verified Purchase 22-09-2024Todo llego bien, exelente servicio
A*** R*** Verified Purchase 22-09-2024Gran atención
C*** O*** M*** I*** Verified Purchase 21-09-2024