Discover the irresistible combination of elegance and sweetness with Red Roses, Carnations and Ferrero 16, an exquisite composition that unites the beauty of roses and carnations with the delicious flavor of Ferrero Rocher chocolates. This thoughtfully designed arrangement is perfect for adding a touch of sophistication and delight to any special occasion.
The 12 red roses, with their vibrant color and enveloping fragrance, symbolize passion and deep love. Each rose has been meticulously selected to ensure their freshness and beauty, making them an ideal gift to express your most sincere feelings.
Accompanying the roses, we find 10 pink carnations that add a touch of tenderness and delicacy to the whole. Known for their durability and timeless charm, carnations perfectly complement roses, creating a harmonious symphony of colors and textures.
The final touch of this arrangement is a 16-piece box of Ferrero Rocher chocolates. These delicious chocolates, with their irresistible combination of hazelnuts and chocolate, add a touch of sweetness and luxury that will make this gift even more special.
The entire set is presented in an elegant glass vase, which not only enhances the beauty of the flowers, but also adds a touch of sophistication and style to any space. The glass vase, with its classic and timeless design, is the perfect complement to these beautiful flowers and delicious chocolates.
The "Red Roses, Carnations and Ferrero 16" is not just a gift, it is an unforgettable experience. Ideal for any special occasion, from anniversaries to spontaneous celebrations of affection, this floral arrangement conveys a message of love, joy and elegance that will remain etched in memory.
Surprise your loved ones with this magnificent creation by LolaFlora and transform any moment into a memorable occasion. With fast delivery and attention to detail, we guarantee that each delivery is filled with love and care, reflecting your affection in each flower and chocolate.