The Red Rose, Gerbera and Sunflower in Silver Bouquet, available at LolaFlora, is a vibrant celebration of color and emotion. This beautiful floral arrangement combines the passionate intensity of red roses with the radiant joy of sunflowers and the classic elegance of red gerberas. Each flower in this bouquet has been carefully selected to convey a message of love, joy, and admiration, making it perfect for any special occasion.
The white daisies in the arrangement add a touch of purity and serenity, creating a harmonious contrast with the more intense colors. The eucalyptus brings a fresh and natural fragrance that complements the bouquet's rich visual appeal, while the mirkeladus adds an exotic and mysterious touch that makes this floral creation stand out. The bouquet is elegantly wrapped in matte silver grey Korean paper, enhancing the sophistication and modernity of the ensemble, ensuring every detail shines with its own charm.
To complete this arrangement, a green ribbon adds a final touch of freshness, while the ""prepared for you"" kraft and LolaFlora envelope provide the perfect space to include a personal message. Additionally, the bouquet comes with a LolaFlora note card, ideal for expressing your most sincere feelings.
The Red Rose, Gerbera and Sunflower in Silver Bouquet is more than just a floral arrangement; it is a powerful expression of emotions and an unforgettable gift for those you care about most. Whether you’re celebrating a birthday, an anniversary, or simply brightening someone’s day, this bouquet is an elegant and meaningful way to show your affection. With this exclusive creation from LolaFlora, you can turn any moment into a special occasion.
Care Tip: To keep your bouquet in the best condition, change the water in the vase every two days and trim one centimeter off the stem diagonally before placing it back. Keep the bouquet in a cool place, away from direct sunlight and drafts, so that the flowers stay fresh and vibrant for longer.
si llego el pedido!
A*** C*** Verified Purchase 24-12-2024No lo entregan a la persona que es, lo entregan en los tiempos que te da la plataforma, en pocas palabras son impuntuales
O*** Verified Purchase 03-12-2024excelente atención y detalles muy bonitos
D*** M*** Verified Purchase 25-11-2024No viene con el papel de la foto le pusieron uno genérico que está horrible, las flores bien pero no se parece a la foto
E*** A*** S*** Verified Purchase 09-09-2024