Looking for a gift that causes a lasting impression? Don't look for more, our red roses with carnation details. With 11 pieces of white carnation and five pieces of Gipso, this impressive bouquet will surely leave your loved one breath.
These are just some of the main characteristics and advantages of our red roses with carnation details:
- High-quality materials: We only use cooler and higher quality flowers to create our branches, guaranteeing that they look and have an incredible aroma for days.
- Unique design: Our red roses with carnation details are a truly unique bouquet, which combines classic red roses with delicate white carnations and gipso for an elegant and striking appearance.
- Affordable prices: We believe that everyone should be able to enjoy beautiful and high-quality flowers without ruined. That is why we offer our red roses with carnation details at an affordable price that will not leave you without white.
- Perfect for any occasion: Whether you are looking for a romantic gesture for your partner, a gift considered for a friend or family member, or a way of rejoiceing your own home, our red roses with carnation details are the perfect choice.
Order red roses with carnation details today and experience the beauty and elegance of this impressive arrangement. With its unique design and its affordable price, it is the perfect way to show someone special that matters to you.
The flowers in the arrangement can be of different colors and sizes depending on the stock status.
Some of the flowers in the flower arrangement can be sent closed, even if they do not bloom due to seasonal conditions. Closed flowers open within 1-2 days, at room temperature.
Bien el arreglo, pero caro para lo que es. La base aparenta ser de madera cuando es solo de cartón y muy delgado por cierto.
A*** R*** Verified Purchase 03-10-2023como siempre muy buen servicio y a tiempo. calidad desde el inicio.
J*** C*** D*** Verified Purchase 02-03-2023Muy buen servicio
A*** F*** P*** M*** Verified Purchase 15-02-2023me gusta pero los claveles eran blancos y los pusieron rosas, gracias 🙂
F*** J*** Verified Purchase 28-11-2022Llegaron super bien y a tiempo.
D*** Verified Purchase 28-06-2022Excelente Servicio, entrega a tiempo y Sizemore bien comunica do El estatus. Las Flores de acuerdo a la descripción. Muchas Gracias.
M*** P*** Verified Purchase 15-02-2022Excelente servicio, recomiendo la aplicación para hacer compras
E*** P*** S*** Verified Purchase 14-02-2022Execelente servicio
A*** F*** Verified Purchase 27-12-2021Excelente servicio
R*** G*** Verified Purchase 02-12-2021Excelente servicio y calidad
R*** G*** Verified Purchase 19-11-2021