The basket of roses and carnations is a true treasure of beauty and joy. Presented in an artisanal wicker basket, this floral arrangement is an explosion of color and fragrance that will transform any occasion into an unforgettable celebration.
Every detail has been carefully selected to create a perfect composition. Pink roses are a symbol of friendship and happiness, infusing a feeling of warmth and positivity. The white carnations, with their delicate fragrance and their ethereal appearance, provide a touch of purity and elegance.
The oasis, the palm, and the corn provide a vibrant green counterpoint, creating a visual show full of textures and tones. Gypsophilia adds a final touch of delicacy to this impressive arrangement, with their tiny and ethereal flowers that seem to float in the air.
It is important to keep in mind that some flowers of the arrangement can arrive closed due to seasonal conditions. But do not worry, these flowers will open within 1-2 days at room temperature, providing an additional show of natural beauty.
The Basket Of Roses And Carnations is more than just a gift; It is an experience. It is the perfect choice to show your love or appreciation, to celebrate special occasions, or simply to cheer someone's day. Not only are they magnificent gift ideas, but also a wonderful way to bring outer beauty to the interior.
Trust us to offer exceptional quality, speed, and service. Because we understand that every detail matters when it comes to making special moments even more memorable. With the Basket Of Roses And Carnations, you are choosing more than a gift - you are choosing joy, beauty, and authentic connection.
Fácil, confiable y a tiempo
L*** J*** Verified Purchase 08-10-2024Estoy pendiente de recibir la evidencia de que se entregó el producto. Marcaron la entrega del producto sin haberlo entregado aún. No tengo la certeza de que se haya entregado.
E*** M*** E*** Verified Purchase 10-08-2024Excelente atención y arreglos increíbles. Mil gracias!!
A*** E*** L*** R*** Verified Purchase 09-07-2024Fue un envío a la distancia y fue súper eficiente y económico
R*** C*** Verified Purchase 17-01-2024Excelente servicio de principio a fin! Lo recomiendo ampliamente. 10 de 10!
K*** G*** D*** C*** Verified Purchase 14-01-2024Excelente servicio y muy bonitos arreglos
A*** H*** R*** R*** Verified Purchase 08-01-2024bonito, a buen precio y rapidez en el servicio
J*** A*** M*** Verified Purchase 05-01-2024Excelente servicio y puntualidad. Muchas gracias.
M*** G*** C*** S*** Verified Purchase 10-05-2023Me pareció muy acertado por temas de tiempo no pude ver el arreglo y el enviarlo fué muy prudente. Gracias
I*** C*** Verified Purchase 22-03-2023Excelente arreglo y la entrega fue rápida muy satisfecha con la compra
G*** J*** Verified Purchase 06-01-2023Excelente producto en tiempo la.entrega estoy muy satisfecha con su servicio muchas gracias.
M*** D*** Verified Purchase 05-01-2023excelente servicio y producto
D*** G*** Verified Purchase 22-03-2022Gracias
E*** M*** F*** Z*** S*** D*** C*** Verified Purchase 03-02-2022Servicio que siempre he contado en tener. Gracias.
C*** Verified Purchase 28-10-2021Muy bonito el arreglo y huele delicioso, quede muy satisfecha ya que eran para condolencias. Lo recomiendo totalmente
P*** G*** Verified Purchase 24-10-2021