Yellow Gerberas and Yellow Daisies in a Pink Bouquet is a beautiful and vibrant arrangement that stands out for its warm energy and joyful combination of colors. The yellow gerberas, a symbol of happiness and optimism, harmoniously blend with the yellow daisies, representing simplicity and friendship. This bouquet is perfect to brighten any space and fill any special occasion with light.
The arrangement includes an elegant LolaFlora Envelope to keep all details organized, along with a LolaFlora Paper For Card Note, ideal for accompanying a personalized message. Additionally, it is beautifully presented in Duo Matte Sweet Nude Pink Korean Paper, adding a soft and delicate touch that enhances the vibrant colors of the flowers. The Pink Ribbon wraps this charming bouquet, giving it a sweet and harmonious finish.
Eucalyptus adds freshness and texture to the arrangement, with its soft fragrance perfectly complementing the flowers. The bouquet is carefully wrapped in Kraft Preparado Para Ti, ensuring that every detail is impeccable, creating a presentation that stands out for both its beauty and delicacy.
Yellow Gerberas and Yellow Daisies in a Pink Bouquet is the perfect choice for those looking to convey feelings of joy, gratitude, or simply to surprise someone special. Whether as a gift or to beautify a space, this bouquet from LolaFlora is an expression of happiness and natural charm.
Care tip: To prolong the life of your flowers, change the vase water every two days and cut one centimeter of the stem diagonally before placing them back in the vase. Keep the flowers in a cool place, away from direct sunlight.
She loved the flowers and the way that was delivered it
F*** C*** Verified Purchase 25-09-2024Exelente servicio.
H*** S*** Verified Purchase 22-09-2024Gracias. Excelente todo. Claramente los solicitaré para próximas fechas.
I*** A*** R*** Verified Purchase 21-09-2024